Maximizing Your Leads: A Blueprint for Post-Event Success

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Written by: StarkCampaign Admin

Every event like Gitex brings a flurry of opportunities, especially when you’re in the world of startups and local businesses.

You’ve collected a treasure trove of leads, and now the big question looms: What’s your game plan for these leads after the fair or exhibition?

1. Lead Round-Up

The first step is to gather all your leads in one place. Whether it’s a stack of business cards or a list of contacts in your phonebook, resist the urge to clutter your CRM just yet. Instead, focus on organizing and sorting your leads. It’s like laying the foundation for your marketing masterpiece.

2. Create a Nifty Spreadsheet

Rather than diving headfirst into your CRM, consider setting up a custom spreadsheet. This step simplifies the process of extracting essential data from those business cards. It’s a pragmatic approach that keeps your CRM tidy and efficient.

Quick Tip: As you go through your leads, take a moment to jot down notes about each one. Pay special attention to those who exhibited a keen interest in working with you. These notes can be golden nuggets for your future communication.

3. Sketch Your Customer Journey

The customer journey is your secret sauce for success. Craft a clear path for your customers, right from the first interaction to conversion and beyond. By outlining this journey, you’re building a roadmap for how you’ll nurture and guide your leads towards becoming loyal customers.

4. Pick Your Mode of Contact

Now, decide on the best way to reach out to your leads. Are you going to slide into their WhatsApp, shoot them an email, or even make some old-school phone calls? The choice depends on your target audience and their preferences.


5. Choose Your Call to Action

If you’re using email communication, be crystal clear about what you want your leads to do. Is it scheduling a chat with you? Or do you want them to request a callback? A well-defined call to action guides your leads and encourages them to take the next step.

6. Set Up an Evergreen Automation System

Automation might sound a bit intimidating, but trust us, it’s a game-changer. An evergreen automation system helps you stay in touch with your leads over time, nurturing those relationships until they’re ready to convert. If you’re unsure about how to build automation, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered at StarkCampaign.

StarkCampaign Services

At StarkCampaign, we offer a range of services to help you make the most of your leads:

  • Free Marketing Audit
  • Customer Journey Planning
  • Local Marketing Boost
  • Reputation Management
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Email Automation
  • CRM, Tools, & Integrations

If you have questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can book a call or simply reply to this email. Our team is here to support you and your team with all your marketing needs. We’re all ears and ready to assist you in your post-event journey.

So, go ahead, maximize your leads and watch your business thrive!


At StarkCampaign, we’ve got your back. We specialize in nurturing marketing and have a handy framework to ensure you get the most out of your hard work. So, let’s dive into it.

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